You never know what you’re going to see when you’re painting outdoors.  A couple of weeks ago when I went out painting with the Northern Suburbs Outdoor Painters group to the Hillarys Yacht Club, we went upstairs to the balcony to have a look at the marina from higher up.  Right near the balcony was a pole and on top of the pole we were excited to get a great view of an osprey which had just caught itself some breakfast!  Needless to say, we all got our cameras out and snapped away to get some reference photos for future paintings.

Here are some photos I took:

osprey, painting, painting outdoors, outdoor painting, sea eagle, en plein air Osprey 2 Osprey 3 Osprey 4

If you would like to be on the mailing list for the Northern Suburbs Outdoor Painters, please email me at or call me on 0450 524 229.

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